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Resultados de la búsqueda:
66 documentos relacionados con el término duchamp.

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Mostrando resultados del 21 al 30

More wind turbines cause chaos
An important article "Flere Vindmøller Skaber Kaos" by Niels Sandøe was published in the Danish newspaper, Jyllands Posten, on 4th June 2003, and is highly commended. The title of this article can be translated to “More Wind Turbines Cause Chaos”, which gives a pretty good idea of the trouble being caused by intermittent wind power in that country!
Birds and Windfarms - New anti-windfarm committee in Italy.
Negative effects on landscape, tourism, birdlife, for negligible benefits in terms of climate change.
Bats and windfarms - another ecological disaster
As for the birds, evidence has started to come in about bats being slaughtered by windfarms.
Windfarms - Submission to the House of Lords
The Science and Technology Select Committee of the House of Lords has appointed Sub-Committee II, chaired by Lord Oxburgh, to conduct an inquiry into the practicalities of the proposals in the February 2003 White Paper, Our Energy Future - Creating a Low Carbon Economy, Cm 5761.

This is the evidence presented by the author.

475 Asociaciones de 18 países europeos PIDEN UNA MORATORIA EÓLICA.
El despliegue de decenas de miles de aerogeneradores a través de Europa está dañando a la gente, la economía, y el medio ambiente.
Plataforma Europea Contra los parques Eólicos (PECE)
Se recibieron más de un centenar de mensajes de apoyo desde 16 países de Europa y del mundo, incluyendo Australia, Nueva Zelanda, EEUU, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Sud Africa, Japón etc.
RSPB executives are causing severe harm to bird life
The bird society´s publicised policy is to support windpower, and make sure windfarms are "carefully sited". Reality shows, however, that they only implement its first tenet.

For years, critics have been trying to warn the public that a conflict of interest had inverted priorities within the charity. Evidence of this perversion has been accumulating over the years, but the prestige of the RSPB is such that most people preferred to ignore it. - Until RSPB management went over the top...

Will the European Commission trash our wildlife reserves ?
Renewable energy developments are invading designated areas such as Important Bird Areas, Special Protection Areas, Natura 2000 Areas, as well as other wildlife habitats that are crucial to the survival of European threatened species, such as Bonelli´s eagles, sea eagles, golden eagles, imperial eagles, red kites, hen harriers, ospreys, white-fronted geese, whooper swans, cranes, storks, great bustards, European otters, etc.

Such destruction is unnecessary, responding mainly to greed and, sometimes, corruption. I urge the European Commission to put an end to this abomination, which they would themselves condemn if it happened on another continent: how about vast expanses of solar collectors in the Masai Mara, wind turbines on the Kilimandjaro, or geothermal plants in Yellowstone ?
It is all the more absurd if we consider that the efficacy of wind farms is now in doubt: see press release on the Bentek and Udo studies (54)

Eagles and wind farms : mortality statistics
This paper is not only about eagles killed by windfarms. It also questions the attitude of the RSPB*, the Sierra Club and the Audubon Society regarding birds and wind turbines. These criticisms, sadly, apply to most bird societies and conservation NGOs in the western world.

*Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Entrevista a Mark Duchamp.
Mark ha publicado más de medio centenar de artículos en Iberica 2000, y creado controversias de magnitud en el mundo de la ornitología, pero también en muchos otros aspectos de nuestras vidas: energías renovables, calentamiento global, bio-combustibles, sobrepoblación, importancia de la naturaleza para la calidad de vida de los hombres, etc.
Y claro, con tal de denunciar mentiras y corrupciones, Mark se ha creado muchos enemigos entre los mentirosos y los corruptos. Pero a cambio son cada vez más numerosos aquellos quienes lo respetan y le dan las gracias por su labor desinteresada.
Escribe principalmente en Inglés, y es conocido por internautas del mundo entero; pero también publicó dos docenas de artículos en Castellano ( ver enlace al final ).

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